Reverend Valerie Mansfield is an Ordained Unity Minister, Spiritual Life Coach and Energy Healer. Valerie’s mission in life is to create a positive, loving and conscious experience, each day. Reverend Valerie Mansfield is a lifelong Unity Truth Student with over 20 years experience in ministry and welcomes you to join her on this spiritual journey of love and transformation.

Rev. Valerie Mansfield Unity Minister
Unity Minister
Valerie is a Unity Minister and Spiritual Consultant who delivers exciting, relevant life lessons on Unity Principles and Spirituality. She specialized in Youth and Family Ministry. Rev. Valerie leads classes and workshops on based on Universal Truth Principles as well as resilience, peacemaking, positive parenting, personal transformation and healing for adults, youth and ministries.
Rev. Valerie has created spiritual curriculum for youth, young adults and adults which is being prepared for release, so check back soon or contact Rev. Valerie.
Spiritual Life Coach
Rev. Valerie empowers individuals to transform their life through the creation of personal Vision, Mission Statements and S.M.A.R.T Goals, along with the use of conscious living skills based in positive psychology and brain science. Valerie has used these techniques for over seven years in the Resilient Family Program where over 200 adults begin to shift their consciousness, which changes their life as well as their families.
Resiliency Program
Valerie was the Co-Director of the Resilient Family Project an empirically validated strengths based program focused on resilience and compassion, communication, mindfulness and child management skills. This program was expanded to include Resiliency in Ministry a program which enhances lay leaders and minister skills.
Holistic Energy Healer
Rev. Valerie is a Reiki Master, Oneness Blesser, and essential oil distributor. As a Reiki Master, Valerie creates sacred ceremonies with attunements, hands on and informational instructions on all levels of Reiki. Valerie uses energy healing and prayer daily in her own life. She was fortunate to learn about healing herbs and other healing modulates from the healing elders in her life. Valerie uses this knowledge to assist others in learning to shift their energy, strengthening and healing the physical, emotional and mental bodies.
Thank you for visiting and we look forward to speaking with you soon.
Rev. Valerie
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