We Can Be The Healing Love
Many of us have gone through major uncertainties and unexpected crisis. New solutions take time. I am unsure how it is all unfolding and I know as I go within and ask for guidance it happens. Taking time each day in the silence, even a moment with the breath changes our directions. Remembering to take time to be it will get better and better as we allow ourselves to be aware to center within and tap into universal love. Universal love is the essence of harmony in every being and thing and it is potentially alive in each of us. Our universe is potentially abundant for all to share.
When we are confronted with suffering, how do we feel and respond? Do we feel overwhelmed with one more thing? Do we continue with our day-to-day business? Or do we stop, pray and send love and sense if there is something we can realistically do to help? If we remember the truth of who we are and stay centered we will be able to take action as healing love. Sending good thoughts or prayers to folks experiencing catastrophes, forest fires, tornadoes, trauma from this pandemic, people struggling with violence’s or confused kids in the neighborhood. We stay in the nurturing realm of love and know all things are possible.
How To Be Healing Love
We must become responsible for our spiritual self by aligning with the healing love alive in us. Giving and receiving of healing love. Our bodies, mind, emotions and feelings can become whole through healing love. How do we tap into the healing love? You must practice daily! Start by being quiet for one to five minutes. Or take a walk in nature and clearing your mind. Take deep cleansing breaths; in through you nose and out through you mouth. This always the physical body to let go and relax. Talk to your body, praise every cell, organ, system, hug yourself. Affirm your body, I am whole and healthy in body, mind and emotions. Our bodies are alive. Create relationships with folks who are nurturing. If this is all new to your I invite you to learn more through Spiritual Directions or a Reiki Workshop.
Being in the space of pure healing love–miracles happen. We focus in pure healing love,, and have the spiritual “knowing” that everything is possible. As we share from our hearts outwards, it grows–it is unstoppable. We “have” to do it.
We have to become the healing love. Take a stand as one with spirit and pure love. Stop all the outer chatter and activity and go into the quiet. Ask yourself to be healing love. And let go of everything happening outside or around you. Close your eyes and put our feet flat on the floor. We can follow our breath as it gently flows in and out and listen to our heart beating. May we be the radiance of light and love, sending loving thoughts to ourselves and know we are whole. Each of us is a magnificent being and the spirit of light fills us. We are grateful for this moment. May we remember “I am Love” and miracles come through love.
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